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The Green Bamboo believes in Asian food made simple.  We believe in  food made without cutting corners.  We here truly believe that feeding the body will of course effect the body but it will also effect the mind and the soul.  In modern busy times, we have been taught to eat on the go, that by taking less time to do menial things such as eating will enable more time dedicated to working and hence be more productivve.  We believe the opposite may be more truthful.  By taking the time to eat, we have granted a few other pleasant opportunities to take place, we allow ourselves the pleasure of others to join us in our venture to nourish our bodies while engaging the mind with conversation and filling our hearts with memories.  Eating has become THE necessary evil.  We have been lead to believe that food has caused unhealthiness in our culture.  It is like saying the hammer built an unstable house.  Food is fuel for the body, but the beauty of food is that there is much choice.  Choices are our power.  We grant ourselves with the power in which we decide what we shall fill our bodies with.  And the flavours that accompany those choices are as endless as the clouds in the sky.  Food can be healthy, taste great, look beautiful and not have to cost a small fortune.  Come in and celebrate food with us and discover for yourself the enjoyment of food prepared fresh for you.

 the green bamboo

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